Parents, Carers, Guardians, Teachers and Career Leaders: Why Reaching This Influential Audience is Important
Parents, carers, guardians, teachers and career leaders are arguably the biggest influencers on young people when making decisions about careers and qualifications. At Careermap Media Group, we strongly believe that reaching this influential audience is vital. We surveyed over 20,000 young people (16-24 year olds) asking them who they turn to for career advice and guidance with 61% saying their parents and a further 54% saying their teachers and school/college/uni career departments.
Parents don’t know, what they don’t know. So much has changed since they were at school and one of the biggest challenges for employers is busting myths and misconceptions about their industry. Take the construction industry for instance, some (not all) parents, still hold the perception that it’s all about hard hats and drinking builders teas, however, so much as changed and they actually use cutting-edge technology like BIM, drones, scanning, robotics and much more.
Reaching teachers and career leaders is just as important, think of them as your gateway to hundreds and thousands of pupils. It’s actually a schools and colleges responsibility to provide students with up to date labour market information (Gatsby Benchmark 2), link careers to the curriculum (Gatsby Benchmark 4) and offer encounters with employers and employees (Gatsby Benchmarks 5). Creating careers resources to support schools and colleges to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks is a sure way to reach this influential audience.
What platforms are parents and educators using?
To help you to understand where to reach this audience, we surveyed our parents and school/college databases to see what platforms they use the most. The results show:
School and colleges
How can Careermap Media Group help?
Influencer Email Campaigns
Parents: We have over 85,000 active and engaged parents in our database which are regularly cleansed to ensure we put your message in front of the right people, in the right place, at the right time.
Educators: We have just under 10,000 career advisers, career leads and teachers in our educator database. We’ll position your opportunities in front of this influential audience so you’re at the front of mind when they are supporting young people.
Careermag for Parents and Careermag for School Leavers
Remember how we told you educators love resources that link to the Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI Framework? Our Careermag for Parents and Careermag for School Leavers are trusted publications and embedded within Career Zones at schools and colleges as well as used during Parents Evenings and sent to our subscriber database. Our Careermags provide a trusted space for you to celebrate your opportunities and tell your stories through authentic engagement. Whether you’d like to sponsor a sector spotlight by digging deep to explain all the exciting career opportunities available, dispel myths and misconceptions of your industry or showcase an inspiring story of an employee who has succeeded as an apprentice in your organisation. We’ll support you every step of the way.
Gatsby Benchmark Posters
Our Gatsby Benchmark posters will ensure your organisation is in EVERY school and college classroom in the UK.
By sponsoring a subject poster you are offering a link from the classroom direct to your content via a unique QR code. Our approach of different QR codes in each region of the country will help drive a more diverse talent pool, whilst improving recruitment, retention rates and supporting local school engagement.
Our partnership with PiXL and The CDI means we have unrivalled insights into the resources schools and colleges don’t just want but need! With young people spending 32.5 hours (avg) a week in the classroom, there’s nowhere better than our posters to engage young people and reach your future talent as they plan their careers.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are part of the Government's Careers Strategy and statutory guidance for schools and colleges. Our posters support career leaders to meet these requirements and will also open up a young persons mind to a wide range of careers that link with their subjects, some of which are less obvious!
CareermapTV Live events
Parents and educators don’t just want to read information, they want to be shown. Our live events provide the perfect platform for you to do just that. We can target our live events to parents and educators. On average, we get around 450 attendees when segmented by this audience. We’ll get bums on seats so all eyes are on you. We’ll work with you to get the right message in front of educators and parents as they support potential apprentices and graduates on their career journey.
If you need any support or would like us to manage your recruitment campaign please contact a member of our friendly team!